Hurts and Helps from the Perspective of a Wife, Mother and Ministry Partner


WOW! The last 10 months have been extremely trying for me and my family. There has been no outlet or opportunity for me to discuss what our separation from the MD/DE convention has relationally and emotionally cost us. So, I have done something I have never done before, and that is to video record a few thoughts for you on two subjects…

(1) some of the things God has taught me and things which have helped me and my family get through these trying times of betrayal, hurts, major disappointments, and uncertainties.
(2) some things I would like to say to men and women who hold positions of trust and are responsible for the stewardship of people and Christian organizations, in particular North American Mission Board trustees, and members of the General Mission Board of the Mid-Atlantic Baptist Network.

In the first 12 minutes I share my heart and the things I learned and in the closing 4 minutes I speak from my heart to those in leadership from my experiences on the other side of their decisions.

If something similar has happened to you, I trust you will be encouraged and helped. If you are in a position of responsibility and oversight, I hope you will be challenged and encouraged to “do good” as it is within your power to do so.

If you know board members or spouses from either organization, I would appreciate your sharing with them.
Sandy McRaney